Most questions relating to the operation of the TC 2290 and its accessories should be answered within the manuals and other info on this site. However, if you're having trouble finding a solution to a problem, or want application-specific advice, this is the place for it.
If you have an answer or correction to an answer, let me have those too.
Please do not expect a personal email reply, as it's doubtful that I'll be able to answer your query myself. Questions and answers are intended to be useful to the whole TC 2290 community, so if you send a question, answer or correction/addition to an answer it will be posted here for the benefit of all.
Submit Questions or Answers to me at info@tc2290.com
Q1: Why has the TC 2290 been discontinued?
A1: (FROM TC ELECTRONIC WEBSITE) Despite great enthusiam and an unheard of product life span of 20 years, we unfortunately had to discontinue the TC 2290.
The last few years of production, we had great difficulty in obtaining the original components for manufacturing this fine product, and with additional new electronics production restrictions, it became impossible for us to continue production of the TC 2290.
Upgrades / Option: No Upgrades/Options are available,
Spare parts: No spare parts are available - this also goes for single buttons or knobs.
Repairs: If a unit is faulty, we can only offer to check it at our headquarters in Denmark. Our service technicians will be able to determine if the unit is repairable or not and will provide a quotation for the repair. Obviously, if the repair requires specific spares , it is very likely that we will not be able to repair the unit.
Before sending a unit, please contact us [TC Electronic] for more information on the procedure to follow.
Q2: Could you tell me if you have a electronic schematic of the TC2290 And maybe some photos of the inside ? Thanks, Yann
A2: The schematics are now available in the Downloads section, thanks to Joroen Happee. Inside pix soon, hopefully.
Q3: Are there any particular issues I need to watch out for with the TC 2290?
A3: (From TC Electronic) There are a few, yes:
1. Heavy noise/distortion on the DELAY-signal path:
Detected with DIR-VOLUME = 0. Check to see whether SPEC.#7 is set correctly - i.e. to the amount of memory installed in your 2290.
2. The DELAY-signal seems to lack treble whereas the DIR-signal is OK:
You are probably using a stereo-jack in the jack-input of the 2290. Always use mono-jack at this place.
3. The external effects are released during preset-shift:
SPEC.#18 (Manual ext. eff. control) is probably set to 1. This means that the effects are released during preset-shift. This 'error' may occur if you have had connected a SRC 0144 controller to the 2290 and you have chosen the function 'release ext. eff on TC 0144.
Even after a power down the 2290 will remember this function. When SPEC.#18 is set to 0 the effects are in state 'not released' again.
4. Common errors when using the DTSA-proms (27V08/28V08/29V08/30V08):
When using the DTSA-proms it is likely to get confused about how things are, concerning the setting of SPEC. no's. Let's take a look at the most 'mistaken' SPEC. no's.:SPEC#7 (Memory size):
Always enter the actual amount of memory installed in the 2290 in this SPEC. no. Do not take into considerations that the PROM mounted is a DTSA-PROM. This means that e.g. if you have only mounted a memory option MEO4 then enter the value 4 in SPEC#7. If you have mounted MEO4 and a ME11 PC-board then enter 11 in SPEC#7.
Having mounted a MEO4 option and a MEOO option, the value which you have to enter into SPEC#7 is 4 (for the MEO4 option) plus 4 for each row of 1M DRAM IC's mounted on the MEOO-board (one row of 1M DRAM is 4 IC's).
Confused? Here is an example:
A MEO4 is mounted-this gives 4 sec. A MEOO-board with four rows of IC's (16 pcs. of 1 M DRAM) is mounted-this gives 4*4=16 sec. What you have to enter into SPEC#7 is then 4+16=20.
SPEC#38 (Max. Dlytime):
The value entered into this SPEC. no. tells the 2290 how much of the total memory (SPEC#7 !!) that has to be reserved for DELAY- purpose.
SPEC#39 (Max. Sample Time):
The value entered into this SPEC. no. tells the 2290 how much of the total memory that has to be reserved for SAMPLE-purpose.
If for instance you only need, say 1 sec. for DELAY then enter 1.0 in SPEC#38. Now if you enter 0 in SPEC#39 , switch the 2290 off and on then the 2290 automatically calculates the amount of memory for SAMPLING (SAMPLING TIME = TOTAL MEMORY - DELAY TIME).
Entering 0 in either SPEC#38 or SPEC#39 always calculates the amount of memory left for the chosen SPEC. no.!
SPEC#36 (Double sampling time):
0 in this SPEC. no. gives normal sampling time whereas a 1 enables the double sampling time. Note that this SPEC. no. must be stored in the presets to make effect (preset-depended SPEC. no.).
SPEC#109 (Double sample time display):
Entering a 1 in this SPEC. no. when choosing the 'Double sampling time' function (SPEC#36=1) the display will work 'real-time' i.e. showing the actual elapsed time. A 0 (zero) would on the other hand cause the display to show half the elapsed time (still in 'Double sample time' mode)
If the 'Double sample time' function is NOT chosen (SPEC#36=0) and SPEC#109=1 then note that the display will show the double of the actual elapsed time.
Note that SPEC#109 is global.
This means that changing from one preset to another does not affect the setting of SPEC#109.
Take care when working with SPEC#36 and SPEC#109:
An example:
You have been working in a preset where SPEC#36 is set to 1 (and SPEC#109=1). Now you change to another preset where SPEC#36=0 (SPEC#109 is still set to 1). The display will now show the double of the actual time.
To avoid this chose either to go on in 'Double sample time'-mode by setting SPEC#36 to 1 or if you want to work in normal mode set SPEC#109=0.
Q4: How do I use the effect loops as logic controls?
A4: (From TC Electronic) Using the TC 2290 EXT.EFFECTS LOGIC (Ex. BYPASS) CONTROL:
Each of the 5 SEND outputs of the TC 2290 has a logic control output on the ring of the jack.
These outputs are shorted to ground when the corresponding EXT.EFFECT LOOP is OFF.
These LOGIC CONTROL outputs are capable of controlling a number of other devices which have a logic remote switch input. I.e. some guitar amplifiers.
Cable diagram for using the TC 2290 ExtEff sends to control i.e. bypass or channel switching can be found below.
As the LOGIC CONTROL OUTPUTS are 'open collector, pull to ground only', some limits must be followed:
Max. (off) voltage : +30VDC / -0.5VDC
Max. (on) current : +25mA @ +0.5V drop
The sleeve on the TC 2290 SEND jack sockets are connected to audio ground, thus hum loops might occur if the units are connected with audio cables as well as a logic control cable. In this case it is possible to disconnect the shield as stated in the note above.
Please note that the ground on the remote input on some devices doesn't have the same potential as the signal ground on the device (sleeve on the switch socket might i.e. be connected to +6V internally in the device). Thus, connecting to the TC 2290 would either damage the device or the TC 2290.
Please check with your technician if you are in doubt.
Used with an external power supply, you can activate (reed-) relays, allowing bipolar signals to be switched.
(See Downloads page for a diagram)
Q5: Can I save the samples in the 2290 for future use before switching the machine off?
A5: (From TC Electronic) The 2290 is unfortunately not capable of saving samples, due to the fact that audio RAM is cleared during power down.
No expansion or hardware upgrade exists that will allow the 2290 to save samples after it's been switched off.
Q6: Can I get more than 1023mS delay in my 2290?
A6: (From TC Electronic) Yes, most likely. The main reason for the 1023 ms limit is the setting of SPEC number 38 which factory default set to 1023.
Most units are running software 28.xx (or higher) and have most likely totally 4 sec. memory fitted. - If in doubt or having another software version: Please refer to "How do I know how much memory I've got in my TC2290?" (below) .
For a unit running ie. version 28.xx the default value of SPEC no. 7 is 4 seconds.
With 4 seconds fitted you can set SPEC no. 38 to 3839 giving you up to 3839 ms delay. (Please note that a recorded sample is deleted when changing to delay mode with the setting above).
Q7: How do I know how much memory I've got in my TC2290?
A7: (From TC Electronic) The only exact way to find out is to remove the lid and take a look inside.
There are 16 sockets on the mainboard (please refer to Picture 1 below). These 16 sockets are for the "Mainboard RAM" and are arranged in 4 rows each with one second. All four chips in a row must be mounted.
All 16 chips will be installed from the factory if your unit runs software version 28.xx or higher (or has been correctly upgraded to 28.xx or higher).
Older TC2290 might have a ME00 Memory Expansion board installed as well. (Please refer to Picture 2 below).
This memory expansion board offered to have additionally 28 seconds of RAM arranged in 7 rows of 4 seconds. Again, all four chips in a row must be mounted. Please note: we have not been able to offer this option since 1996.
The value in SPEC# 7 must be set to the number of seconds installed: one second for each row of the mainboard RAM + four seconds for each row fitted on the ME00 board.
Please also refer to the FAQ that explains the versions and expansion options (see Q8 below)
Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Q8: How can I see which options I have in my TC2290? What are the differences on the different versions of the TC2290?
A8: (From TC Electronic) The software version ( press SPEC, 0, ENTER ) shows which PROM version you've got and by that also if you have sampling, fast trigger or stereo link options installed.
Here is a short description of the history of the TC2290:
* The 1st version of TC2290s was sold with EPROM 26.x and 1 second memory, but some were sold with 2, 3 or 4 seconds memory - or upgraded by the dealer/user to 2, 3 or 4 seconds.
* Later, 1st version units could be upgraded to the 2nd version by adding a "SA01 kit" which included a new EPROM version 27.xx and a "ME04" (memory expansion to 4 seconds).
Thus, 2nd version was sold with EPROM 27.xx and with all 4 seconds fitted on the main board.
With 27.xx it was also possible to sample and the ME11 and ME00 Memory Expansion board was introduced offering memory expansion to respectively 11 or 32 seconds (read more about the ME11 and the ME00 below).
* The 3rd version was sold with EPROM 28.xx and still 4 seconds memory. Units with 26.x and 27.xx could be upgraded (at TC) to this version by installing a "SA02" kit which includes EPROM version 28.12 and a "ME04". But this is not possible any more.
This version is the configuration which we sold before discontinuation in 2004.
* "4th and 5th versions" are options to the 3rd version and not newer versions of this:
EPROM 29.xx (FASTTRIG option) including a new add-on circuit board, allowing faster trigging of samples (record and playback).
EPROM 30.xx (STSA option) was a STereo SAmpling option, requiring the FASTTRIG option and a new chip offered the user to make a stereo link of two T2290s (both with the option installed).
Both FASTTRIG and STSA are discontinued.
The ME11 was a add-on circuit board offering memory expansion up to 11 seconds (the ME11 added 7 seconds + the 4 seconds on the main board)
The ME00 was a add-on circuit board offering up to 32 seconds (a fully mounted ME00 added 28 seconds + the 4 seconds on the main board).
Both ME11 and ME00 are discontinued.
Q9: Does the 2290 have dropouts when switching presets?
A9: (From TC Electronic)
It switches preset very fast, but there is no spillover. There are no actual dropouts either, but if you play during a preset change it will probably sound a bit funny.
Consider, that the 2290 was designed in the mid-80s to do one thing at a time, which it does really well. But it can't compete with newer machines, when it comes to spillover between preset changes.
Q10: What is the maximum number of presets in the 2290?
A10: (From TC Electronic)
The 2290 will hold a maximum of 99 presets. It's not possible to expand it to hold more than 99 presets.
Q11: Does the TC 2290 accept MIDI CCs?
A11: (From TC Electronic)
Unfortunately, the TC 2290 will not respond to MIDI CCs. However, it does support regular MIDI program changes.
Q12: What exactly is the "Deep Mod"?
A12: (From Italo de Angelis)
It's a wider sweep ratio the delay is being swept by the LFO, resulting in more detuning chorus or deeper flanging. Applied to a delay, you'll hear a more detuned echoes. Very pleasant but needs to be carefully tweaked to avoid too much "out_of_tune" sounds.
Q13:How do I dump presets to a MAC?
A13: (From TC Electronic)
Before use:
* You will need a TC2290, Mac computer and a Midi Interface
* For recording SysEx data, install SysExLibrarian, found here: https://www.snoize.com/SysExLibrarian/
* Make sure the TC2290 'tc device no.' is 0 (<SPEC> <110> <ENTER> <0> <ENTER>)
* Make sure your Midi Interface is correctly setup with SysExLibrarian
* This has been tested with a TC2290 version 28.12, 29.12 and 30.12
* To see version number press <0>
1: Connect Mac to a TC2290 using a midi interface.
2: In SysEx Librarian, press the button "Record Many". It should come up with a window saying "Waiting for SysEx message..."
3: On the TC2290, press <114> <1> . This will dump all 99 presets.
4: Wait for all of the presets to be transmitted. The SysEx Librarian should show 100 messages received.
5: Click "Done" in the receive window.
6: Choose "File->Save As Sysex (.syx)..." from the menu and save the data as a new SysEx file.
Q14:How do I dump all presets to a PC using the special keys method?
A14: (From TC Electronic)
Before use:
* You will need a TC2290, Windows PC with MidiOx and a Midi Interface
* Make sure the TC2290 'tc device no.' is 0 (<SPEC> <110> <ENTER> <0> <ENTER>)
* Make sure your Midi Interface is correctly setup with MidiOx
* This has been tested with a TC2290 version 28.12, 29.12 and 30.12
* To see version number press <SPEC> <0> <ENTER>
1: Connect PC to a TC2290 using a midi interface.
2: In MidiOx, open the SysEx window (View-> SysEx) and choose Sysex-> Receive Manual Dump.
3: On the TC2290, press <SPEC> <114> <ENTER> <1> <ENTER>. This will dump all 99 presets.
4: Wait for all of the presets to be transmitted. The MIDI-OX window should show about 10500 Bytes Received.
5: Click "Done" in the receive window.
6: Choose "Display Window->Save As" from the menu and save the data as a new SysEx file.
Q15:How do I dump a preset to a PC using SysEx request files?
A15: (From TC Electronic)
Before use:
* You will need a TC2290, Windows PC with MidiOx and a Midi Interface
* Make sure the TC2290 'tc device no.' is 0 (<SPEC> <110> <ENTER> <0> <ENTER>)
* Make sure MIDI is enabled on the TC2290
* Make sure your Midi Interface is correctly setup with MidiOx
* This has been tested with a TC2290 version 28.12, 29.12 and 30.12
* To see version number press <SPEC> <0> <ENTER>
1: Connect PC to a TC2290 using a midi interface.
2: Select preset from PresetRequestFile folder
3: In MidiOx select Command Window -> Send/Receive Sysex.
4: Wait for completion and save syx file in this folder by pressing Display Window -> SaveAs
5: Repeat step 2-4 until all your presets are in .syx format
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